Yesterday's Dream, Today's Reality, Tomorrow's Vision


Transition Services are services that assist individuals with disabilities in moving from one phase of their life into another. The Center provides transitional services to two distinct groups of individuals with disabilities:

For students transitioning from high school to higher education, employment, or other activities of adult living in the community, the Center can provide transitioning students and their families with:

  • IEP & CSE meeting assistance;
  • Employment assistance;
  • Benefits planning, assistance and advisement;
  • Assistance in locating necessary adaptive equipment;
  • Assistance in finding funding for necessary adaptive equipment or home modifications;
  • Peer Counseling;
  • Independent Living Skills;
  • Information about the rights of individuals with disabilities, including employment rights;
  • And much more.

For individuals with disabilities currently living in an institutional setting who would like to live in a less restrictive environment within the community and those individuals with disabilities in imminent danger of being placed into an institution against their wishes, the Center can provide services that assist the individual to transition back into their community such as:

  • Home modification assistance;
  • Benefits planning, assistance and advisement;
  • Advocacy assistance with other service providers to obtain necessary community services and supports;
  • Housing assistance;
  • Adaptive equipment;
  • Information about the rights of individuals with disabilities;
  • Finding personal care attendants;
  • Obtaining case management services, if required;
  • And much more.

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